JNUMC Membership
Before the annual general body meeting (GBM) of the Club in March/April for the appointment
of new executive committe, the membership of the Club is opened during February/March. It is reopened for a week or so again
in August / September. The membership fee of the Club is Rs.30/- (thirty only). All bona fide students of the University (both
full-time and part-time) are eligible for Club membership. In all the programmes conducted by the Club namely treks, rockclimbing
and cross-country cycling, a limited number of seats are offered to guests/outsiders/non-JNUites. However, they are not eligible
for the fifty per cent refund that the students of the University are generally entitled to.
The Membership of the club is valid till 31st March of the consecutive year whether taken in Feb/March
or August/September.